A brief History of the Situationist International


1 From Guy Debord's "Introduction to a Critique of Urban Geography", published in Les Levres Nues.

2 From the Manifesto published in Reflex issue n. 1, Amsterdam, September-October 1948. Translated from the Dutch by Leonard Bright and published in 'Cobra' by W.Stokvis. Apart from the manifesto the magazine also contained two texts by Constant: A new freedom is about to be born, one which will allow people to satisfy their creative desires. As a result of this process, the profession of artist will cease to occupy a priviledged position Asger Jorn and Constant in 'Ce que sont les amis de COBRA et ce qu'il represent', (Those who are the friends of COBRA and what they do represent) published in Internationale Situationiste, issue n. 1, Paris 1958. The quote is taken from the italian edition of the text and translated by myself, as the english edition was unavailable.

3 For a good story on how Isou's beauty contributed to his 'success' see Marcus' 'Lipstick Traces'

4 Isou's 'Introduction à une Nouvelle Poesie et une Nouvelle Musique' (Gallimard, Paris, 1947) contains such things as Isou's role in poetry is the same as the one played by Jesus in Judaism and headings such as From Charles Baudelaire to Isidore Isou

5 From '...une idee neuve en Europe', in Potlatch, pp. 45-46 The Hacienda is now a club in Manchester. It has recentley hosted a Conference on the Situationist Legacy (27-28 january 1996)

6 First published by the Belgian Surrealist magazine Les Levres nues, issue n. 6, Brussel, 1955

7 First published by the Belgian Surrealist magazine Les Levres nues, issue n. 8, Brussel, 1956

8 And it goes without saying that I feel a bit of an imbecile to put quotation marks on this quote, but there you go...

9 Enlgish edition: 'Report on the construction of situations and on the Situationist International Tendency's conditions of organisation and action'. Reproduced in Ken Knabb's Anthology. All the following quotes are from the pamphlet

10 From Manifesto, in Internationale Situationiste issue n. 4. Martos, 'Histoire de l'Internationale Situationiste'. Page 116-118 of the Italian edition Jorn's biographer Guy Atkins wrote in 'The Crucial Years': Jorn's role in the Situationist movement (as in COBRA) was that of a catalyst and team leader. Guy Debord on his own lacked the personal warmth and persuasivness to draw people of different nationalities and talents into an active working partnership

11 From La cinquiéme Conference de l'I.S. á Gotemborg in Internationle Situationiste n. 7 April 1962

12 The official reason for the expulsion was this: Kotányi (from the 'political' faction) and de Jong had been added to the editorial board of 'Spur' the magazine of the German section on its 6th issue. The Germans, though, produced the following issue without informing the two and were thus expelled én masse. The group was also under investigation by the German police which had sequestered the number 6 of its magazine

13 From "The Society of the Spectacle", thesis 4 and 9 From Notes pour servir a l'histoire de l'IS from 1969 to 1971 in 'La veritable scission de l'Internationale'. The quote is from the Italian edition and translated by myself as the English edition was not available

14 Quote from Martos Histoire de L'Internationale Situationiste, page 212 of the Italian edition.

15 The Elite and the backward , in Internationale Situationiste n.

16 Quoted from Ken Knabb Anthology which also contains this note: "The situationists refuse to accept disciples; insist on recruting only geniuses for the avant-garde task they have set themselves", Michele Bernstein, The Times Literary Supplement, August and September Issues, 1964.

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